what should a home care provider really be doing?

what should a home care provider really be doing?

  • How To Get Physical Therapy When You're Stuck In Your Home

    Physical therapy is often recommended or outright prescribed by doctors and nurses. Whether you've recently gone through an injury, surgery, or something else that's made it difficult to get around, physical therapy can help. However, if leaving the home isn't an option for you right now, you might think that you're out of luck until you can leave. However, the reality is that you should still seek out physical therapy ASAP.

  • What To Do If Your Parent Is Against The Idea Of A Caregiver

    Your home is the place where you get to establish all the rules. So, when your loved one needs extra support but does not like the idea of a stranger being in their home, the situation can get testy. There is a way to create balance. You can respect the home of your parent or another loved one while still getting them access to the critical care and support they need.

  • 5 Benefits Of Elderly Home Care Services

    When you have a loved one who is starting to age, you may worry about their health and well-being. Some seniors need a bit of extra assistance with their daily needs and care. If your loved one is starting to need more help, it may be time to explore care options. The good news is that your aging senior doesn't have to move into a group home or facility. There are other options like home care services.

  • Why You Might Want To Use Knee High Compression Socks

    If you or a loved one are recovering from surgery at home or are otherwise forced to stay sedentary for much of the day, you or the person you are caring for might find that your legs can grow a bit uncomfortable. A more extreme scenario might even create a situation where the patient is not getting proper blood flow through their legs. This is where knee high compression socks can be a big help.

  • Safety Tips for Senior Home Care

    Slip and fall injuries are the biggest threat to the health of seniors who choose to stay living in their family homes as they age. A simple slip in the bathroom or fall down a single stair can result in a broken hip or another life-threatening injury. For this reason, it's vital to take steps to proactively prevent fall injuries for older people wanting to stay in their homes to the end of their lives.

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what should a home care provider really be doing?

If you have a home health care worker in your home, you know very well how helpful he or she can be. What you may not know is what all that worker is supposed to be doing while in your home. Does the service provide general housecleaning services? Should he or she be doing laundry for the one that they are caring for? My blog will show you what services may or may not be offered by home health care services so that you can look further into what the service you have hired is supposed to be doing in your home.